Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Trying To Regroup

I never knew how busy my life was until I started this plan. I feel like I'm always running and not getting anywhere. Well, I stepped on the scale and guess what? 6 to 7 pounds heavier!!! This is the heaviest I've ever weighed and I have even cut back on my eating and started exercising more. I sat back and tried to recount my steps and what happened. Yes, I had some mishaps here and there but 6 pounds (not that much). I still feel that by the end of the program I will be 10 pounds lighter. I thought after standing on the scale and seeing that I gained weight was going to make me give up but it did the opposite. I am even more determined. I'll pick myself up, dust myself off and keep it movin.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday Blues

The first thing I saw when I got to work was a big Happy Birthday sign and my favorite kind of birthday cake (marble with buttercream white icing), all types of cookies, chips, and candy. A couple of co-workers called me over to the table to inform me of whose birthday it was and the aroma of that cake gave me shivers. I wanted that cake sooo bad. Just thinking about it felt like I was cheating on myself. I made up every excuse why it would be okay to just have a piece (I'm working out today, what's one little piece going to do, I shouldn't deny myself, etc...). Just when I was about to cave in and grab a slice, I looked at another co-workers plate (who is also suppose to be eating healthy) and I said to myself "look at all of that junk she's putting on her plate, that don't make sense." Seeing her plate gave me a little more will power. It's funny how we look at other people situations and can help everyone else when we're going through the same thing. Like the Bible says: Judge not and you won't be judged.

7:30 a.m. Breakfast- 1cup of Fiber One cereal w/ milk(1/4 water & 1/4 2% milk), 2 fried eggs and a 11.5oz V8.

took multivitamin and apple cider w/ water

11:30- lunch- grilled chicken breast, spoonful of brown rice and zucchini

4:30- dinner- 3 tacos (they were healthy) lean beef, tomatos a pinch of cheese

7:30p.m- snack- a peach

64 ozs water

I did workout today. It was okay but my legs are sore again. I don't think my legs will ever get use to this working out. My husband wants to go skiing this winter in Colorado so I really need to lose weight to get into one of those cute snowsuits.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday and Skinny Is On My Mind!

Today was another good day. I did not drink as much water today on purpose. I woke up last night about 4 times just to go to the bathroom. That 96 + ozs just wasn't right. Today I drank 64 ozs and that's still more than usual. Normally, I would drink at least 3 cups of milk or fruit juice in one day and that's it. My body is loving the water because I'm not feeling overly bloated and I think I'm even starting to like it. I almost hit a stumbling block but I sailed right through. My husband informed me that I had to go to my sons 6:00 baseball game which I knew wasn't going to end until 8:00 p.m. I already knew that I was going to BBQ some chicken breast but I had to stop at the store after work to pick up some charcoal. On my way to the store I called my sister and asked her what is a healthy restaurant I could go to. She (who is also on this program) told me what she was eating today, yesterday, tomorrow and so on, which was very healthy. After listening to her boring conversation, the competitor in me woke up (I'm not going to be the only fat sister in the family), so I just went to the grocery store and found something fast but healthy (Thanks Angie!) So this is my day:

7:30 a.m.-Breakfast: 2 whole eggs fried in a little olive oil, whole wheat toast w/ a pat of butter and 1/2 of a grapefruit

10:00 a.m.-Snack: a wedge of laughing cow cheese and 4 wheat melba toast snacks

11:20a.m.-Lunch: a turkey burger plain w/ a salad and lite italian dressing

3:30 p.m. -snack: 1 stick of celery and organic peanut butter

5:30 p.m. -Dinner: a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread w/ mustard, a half of cucumber (sliced) and a peach

I hope that I'm on the right track with what I'm eating. I tried to incorporate things I already had at home and I definately wanted to eat foods that I enjoy.

It's 9:00 p.m. and I'm grilling my chicken breast and veggies for tomorrow. Planning makes perfect.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday and Back In the Game!


7:30 a.m. Breakfast- 2 boiled egg whites, whole wheat toast w/ a pat of butter and grapefruit

10:50 a.m. Snack- 4 round whole wheat melba toast w/ a wedge of laughing cow cheese

12:50 p.m. Lunch- a small can of tuna and a salad

4:30 p.m. Dinner- 1 piece of tilapia, small sweet potato w/ cinnamon and splender and a 45 cal tray of broccoli w/ cheese

I also drank 96+ ozs of water so far.

I had a great workout at bootcamp. My legs are sooo sore! The workout wasn't very intense, my legs just don't like squats. I can do ab workouts all day long but when it comes to the legs,,, oh no!!!

How Am I Feeling? Good and back to motivated. My goal for the next couple of weeks is to not look at the scale. I put it away because it is a trigger for me. If I don't like the numbers I see, I will become discouraged and that's just another reason for me to eat. I am trying to recognize my triggers so that they are not a roadblock for me anymore.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sat, Sun and Monday... catch up

Well, Sat., Sun., and Mon. was horrible for me. My first thought was that Lyle must not have realized that we were starting our new meal plan during the Labor Day weekend. I came to the conclusion that no time would be the right time because I always have something going on that would sabotage my diet. I was actually embarrassed to write down what I ate because I haven't even started the actual diet part of the plan. I even went as far as telling my sister that I would not blog anything that I ate this weekend but I have to accountable for my actions. So here it goes:

Breakfast- spoonful of hashbrowns, 2 pieces of pork sausage, 2 biscuits
Lunch- nothing
Dinner- Arby's super roast beef and small fry w/ lemonade

Breakfast- McDonald's chicken biscuit, hashbrown
Lunch- nothing
Dinner- spoonful of mixed greens, green beans, baked mostaccioli, potato salad, a chicken wing, 1 rib and a bowl of fruit

Monday- I actually was going to start my meal plan but I had to go grocery shopping. I made out a beautiful list and was very motivated. While I was at the grocery store I read labels and attempted to pick out the healthiest food possible. I changed Lyle's meal plan a little to fit my needs. My plan was to have the fish department at Schnucks bake some fish for me that would last me a couple of days. Well unfortunately, they did not have any seasoned tilapia like they normally do. Then to top it off, I could not find a descent bag of grapefruit. It was a couple of other issues and I was 2 hours into the grocery shopping (yes, 2 hours) and I started to get irritated and aggravated and then I was working on stress mode, which turned into hunger mode which turned into making bad food choices and leaving hungry with cupcakes. So on Monday, I started off eating healthy. For Breakfast, I ate 2 boiled egg whites and a bowl of fresh mixed fruit. Lunch - a chocolate cupcake Dinner- Chicken and fries and okra from a well known chicken place.

I have already planned out my meals for tomorrow. I have everything prepared so there's no excuses.

How Do I Feel? I feel like I need to be on someones prayer list so please pray for me! I was lying in my bed asking God when was he going to step in and help me. The words that came to me was free will. He's provided me with various opportunities and opened up doors and now I have to make the positive choices and just do the work. As the song goes, "nobody told me that the road would be easy, I don't believe he's brought me this far to leave me". I will have victory!!!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009



Fasting for me was not great. I found myself starving the last 30 minutes of the fast but I held out until the exact minute my fast was over, which was 11:30 a.m. By 11:31, I had found something in my office to eat. Unfortunately, I was selling candy bars for my church and this Kit-Kat was challenging me all day until I finally gave in. After that, I decided that I could no longer sell the candy bars because I didn't want that kind of temptation and I didn't want to pay $30 for candy bars.

I regret not utilizing the spiritual aspect of the fast like it was intended.

I don't think I ate too bad today. I kept feeling like I should splurge on eating because it felt like I was eating the last supper, at least before the meal plan. I just had to remind myself, that this is what I wanted and I'm not depriving myself but taking a step towards eating to live and not living to eat.

My meals for today included:
7:30 a.m.- apple cider vinegar and 8 oz water and 16 oz cup of orange juice
11:31 a.m.- Kit-Kat candy bar
11:50- turkey sandwich, small bag of whole grain chips & 1% milk
6:30 p.m.- fish sandwich from Long John's Silver w/ a large lemonade

How Do I Feel? Today, I feel drained of energy. I feel like I've been running around all week and it's time for me crash!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

7:30 a.m.- apple cider vinegar and 8 oz water
8:30 a.m.-breakfast- V8 (yuk) first time trying it
12:50 p.m. -lunch-V8 (yuk) thought it would be better the second time around
2:00 p.m.- snack- an apple
5:00 p.m.- dinner- salmon and a salad w/ fat free thousand island dressing

This may not look like much but again today I did not have an appetite. I'm looking forward to fasting.

Today I had another good workout at the MVP studio. My legs are burning but it's something I just have to get use to. The workout was not overly challenging but enough to get my heart racing.

I'm still on track with my Bible reading. I find myself waking up at 5:00 a.m. thinking about what I read and how it could apply to my life. I tend to fall back asleep by 5:40 a.m. but my alarm clock goes off by 6:00 a.m. I think I am going to use that time(5:00 a.m.) to meditate.

My prayer for today: What is not like you, let it be removed!

How Am I Feeling? energetic and motivated